Antibacterial And Anti-Chafing: The Ultimate Duo
Whenever the “best tag-team”, or the “ultimate duo” conversation comes up- one tends to think of Batman and Robin, MJ and Scottie, or maybe even Shawn Michaels and Triple H. But what if I told you that the antibacterial and anti-chafing properties of Nikos Bamboo Underwear blows all of these amazing duos out of the water! Call us crazy, but one thing is for sure; this duo will do wonders for you and your balls. Let us get into why…
Although our bamboo boxers offer many benefits to comfort you in all of your everyday needs, there are two that stand out in a very unique way. Bamboo fabric is relatively new in the clothing market, and Nikos is a pioneer in making the utmost quality bamboo underwear for you to reap these benefits to their fullest.
Antibacterial = NO ODOR
That’s right, “Bamboo Kun” is a natural antimicrobial found in the bamboo plant, and with Nikos’ mechanical pulp breakdown process, those properties carry over to the fibers, allowing us to forge the ultimate “no odor” underwear. We ran an experiment to see exactly how big the difference is compared to cotton, so we had one individual wear cotton briefs for as long as they could, before the discomfort or odor was too much to tolerate, and we did the same with the Nikos bamboo boxers.
The point of this test is simple, to test the odor eliminating abilities of both cotton and bamboo boxers in standard conditions, like wearing them to work, the gym, or a social gathering, then display the results side by side so that you, the customer, can see the benefits/disadvantages of each fabric. Let us get into the results!
The Results Are In
The test subject wore the cotton briefs all day, and into the night- but by morning, they had noted that they started to develop a funky smell foul enough to end the cotton trial of this experiment. The Nikos bamboo boxers, however, stayed fresh smelling for TWO days and TWO nights before they too were retired.
The results were indeed very eye opening on the superiority of bamboo fabric regarding freshness and odor, which has us even more headstrong on delivering you the finest underwear on the market. Try this experiment at home if you want, just make sure you don't have any upcoming dates!
The “no odor” factor of bamboo underwear is what people usually notice first after wearing them for a while. How big of a deal has underwear sweat/odor been before in your life? Whether you are tackling a hard gym day, or a lengthy day at work, you always want to be confident in your own musk. A Fun Fact: sweat is actually odorless! That's right! The foul smell from your underwear is from the bacteria clinging on your skin, then getting into the sweat droplets. Nikos Bamboo Underwear takes preventative measures by attacking the bacteria directly, so even when you sweat, the odor is long gone.
Thanks Anti-Chafe
Chafing can easily rank as one of the worst symptoms of crappy underwear, because once you start, if you can’t fix it right away, the chafing gets progressively worse- and that is a feeling we don't wish on even the most avid cotton brief wearers. Nikos bamboo fabric will be one of the silkiest pieces of clothing you feel, and there is a reason for this. The individual bamboo fibers, if broken down correctly, are much longer and than cotton fibers- allowing a much more flush, smooth feel on your bare skin. This is extremely beneficial to everyone on the go, but especially to those who have very sensitive skin.
In Conclusion
It is hard to beat certain duos, especially the “ultimate” ones. But having a pair of beneficial bad boy properties like anti-chafe and antibacterial working for you and your comfort nonstop, is going to be even tougher to beat. Because let’s face it, it’s 2023, nobody should be wearing boxers that are uncomfortable or foul smelling anymore, not with bamboo boxers hitting the market. Make sure to click here to find out more about why the popularity of bamboo boxers is going through the roof, and try out a pair if you haven't already, you will NOT regret it.